Go find your Happy Ending on Youtube

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I discovered the band Cream today on YouTube. Cream was a 60s Trio Supergroup comprising of Ginger Baker (Drums), Eric Clapton (Guitar) and Jack Bruce (Bass).

I played their hits and got very into the vibe and hype of the day upto the point where they split.  I was sad but thought to myself – ‘Wow, this band is great like the Beatles wouldn’t it be great if they reformed.’

I had an epiphany . Why not search for one? I stumbled across talk of a reunion interview; all three memebers teasing the prospect.

I sped foward through time to 2005 and there they were at the Albert Hall in all their shining glory playing together like it was yesterday.

Go find your happy ending on YouTube , today. It Feels Great!

This is Vietnam.


It’s like I’m back  in the 70s. I feel young again.  Nothing fancy here, no complications, no excess. I sit quietly sipping juice, watching mud fish skip on aluminium plates. I pick fine fruit from an overhanging tree and smile knowingly.

This is contentment this is happiness; this is Vietnam.

C’mon America ! (We’re all rooting for you)


As a Brit I’ve always seen America as one big social experiment much like ‘Big Brother’ but more big.  I was so proud when, as a nation, you voted your first black president into office THEN….. you blew it….(Booo!)

I was mortified. What Happened? I grew angry then upset as all hopes of progress faded. Then I remembered what your leader once said ‘progress is never a straight line.’

I waited anxiously and as the waves of protests began, the America I came to respect; the virtuous hopeful America raised its beautifully head and showed us all who they really are.

I am calm again now for I know Government may not always live up to the ideal but if ‘The People’ believe it America will lead and the rest of the world will follow.

What is Fame?


I have worked in Film and TV most of my adult life. I have have brushed and rubbed shoulders with a few A-Listers many B-listers and more Z-listers than I care to confirm.

I have talked to them, mainly about business but other mundane stuff too. I would like to say there was something special about them. I want to be awestruck ..I want to believe what people secretly desire (that obscene four letter word) is worth having. That maybe if you found it you would achieve a higher state of consciousness, achieve enlightenment…find something profound, alas I found nothing of the sort.

Don’t get me wrong they are the loveliest of luvvies but are they on a higher plain?  No. They are us, you and me thrust into the limelight. It’s a complex illusion that’s all.

Sorry to dissapoint 😦

Truth is if you are looking to become something special you’re better off looking behind the curtain not in-front…

TTFN !! 🙂




Complex Illusion

There is Something to be said for Lunacy


If you shout loud enough people will come. If you espouse the theories of a raving lunatic you may get a following. How many?

6 Million. Yes if you shout loud enough 6 Million people will follow; mainly the disaffected the gullible..maybe not?

Some sit back and watch the spectacle in disgust but when they hear the same rhetoric from POTUS some leaners, the weak think ‘well maybe it’s true.’

Stay true and believe ’cause if you lose sight of what’s right and wrong; if we don’t object at every turn 6 million will become 60 million; just enough to elect a lunatic to the highest office in the land ? …..Hold on wait a minute….. I think we’re too late.!


Ever had Movie Amnesia?


I was watching The Equaliser starring Denzel Washington. I got a third of the way through and saw a familar face, the security guard Denzil worked with. Other future scenes flashed through my mind. Then I realised I had seen the film before, but rather than switch over I kept watching and found myself enjoying it more.

On one level the film itself was good and secondly I was now checking the boxes of the scenes I remembered.

The film was all the better for this added dimension. I thought  nothing of it then realised the next day the only other time I remember this happening to me was 10 years ago after seeing Deja VU starring guess who …?

Denzel Washington ….

Probably just a coincidence this time round 🙂